View Full Version : Start With Crystal Report Hosting? WHY NOT !!!

05-20-2013, 10:53 PM
Some common data sources, including spreadsheets of software such as Microsoft Excel, text files, and data collaboration and sharing of applications such as Lotus Notes is also supported by this application. This software also works with a variety of databases including Microsoft Access. Other data types are compatible with Crystal Reports is an XML file.

Another advantage of Crystal Reports is that the software uses a graphical interface that is highly variable, ranging from animation, flash, and some other supporting applications. This means users can use the mouse to configure the connections between the various data sets. Users also can see and try different layouts for the final report generated by the software. Perhaps one of the main reasons why many people choose to produce this apps is that the software is already integrated with a variety of products from Microsoft, and also compatible with multiple web platforms, particularly to make a presentation. Product from Microsoft that has been integrated with Crystal Reports includes Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual Studio, in which both of these applications is a tool used to create Windows and web applications.

Crystal reports application for web hosting
With an extremely complete feature, this applications is widely used in several web-based applications. These functions can later be used to create presentations online, making it easier for web users and user accounts to perform some configuration on the data sheet to be used. Some of the data sheet that supports this applications includes email, latest version of Microsoft Office, PDF file format, and several open source applications.
If you want to use this applications to be integrated with the hosting platform, then you need any support for hosting application, such as MSSQL database. Without the application, your hosting cannot be used. In addition, Windows hosting is also a very important supporting this applications. Some versions of Windows hosting that can be used to support the Crystal Report is Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 hosting with IIS 7.0.

The advantage of Crystal Reports hosting
Each application would have its advantages and disadvantages, as well as applications for Crystal Reports. Using this application, you can get more clear and attractive view, certainly a plus for the application. In addition to providing a more attractive appearance, this applications also have access speeds when used online, so your presentation is not interrupted. For now, some Crystal Reports web hosting company has completed the features; especially if the user happens to have a web based hosting is web 2.0.