View Full Version : Problem with Legacy backup restortion

07-01-2016, 03:37 AM
Recently i have swapped my hard disk to a newer one in my server i had all the files backed up in my secondary drive ..the backup was done by /scripts/cpbackup --force*****
in ssh...now i try to restore it via legacy backup restoration in whm it doesn't shows up...i mean the backed up accounts doesn't shows up in whm..while its present in my drive..i had enabled legacy backup after installing whm..can you guys guide me through, thank you!

Rose kim
07-02-2016, 12:54 AM
Transfer all your backup files from other HDD to new HDD ... Make sure the files are present either in root directory or /home directory. So that the backup files are shown in WHM Panel. Go to Backup menu in whm Panel, select restore full backup/cpmove file option, select the restore with file option and then browse or select files to restore.

If you are not getting this, then ask your hosting provider to help you on this issue. Scopehosts (https://www.scopehosts.com) technical team provided me this option for my backup and restore files. Just check once with your hosting provider.

07-04-2016, 05:45 AM
The problem with the idea of backup modernization is that it is easy to assume that backup modernization implies abandoning legacy technologies, such as removable media backups or physical server backups. While moving away from legacy backup technologies might be part of the backup modernization process for some organizations, I think that backup modernization probably more often centers on improved service levels, near-real-time data protection and rapid recover-ability.

07-08-2016, 02:58 AM
Thanks for all your advice, I have asked my hosting provider to solve it.

07-18-2016, 09:59 AM
Transfer all your back-up information from other HDD to new HDD ... Make sure the information are present either in root listing or /home listing. So that the back-up information are shown in WHM Board. Go to Backup menu in whm Board, choose recover full backup/cpmove data file option, choose the recover with data file option and then browse or choose information to recover.

10-18-2017, 03:42 AM
That's correct! For the legacy restore, backup should present on the /home drive. If you have copied it to another location then please move the backup file.

Once done then you will find the backup-file while restoring it.