View Full Version : Enabling Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on Apache for 2 domain names

09-18-2016, 03:28 PM

I tried to get Let's Encrypt certificates for both my www and non-www domain names, then redirect all the requests to https://www.afa-advisory.com/.

I installed certbot on my OVH VPS, then I tried many attempts to get both certificates:

1) I tried an all-in-one command:
certbot --apache -d afa-advisory.com -d www.afa-advisory.com

2) I tried the domain names separately in two commands:
certbot --apache -d afa-advisory.com
certbot --apache -d www.afa-advisory.com

3) I tried expanding the first SSL certificate.

The problem is that I always get an invalid certificate for my root domain:

Invalid Common Name: Default Company Ltd

10-19-2017, 06:05 AM
You will need to make sure that, the one Let's Encrypt SSL certificate will work with the two domains or not. Because, it will work for one domain only. Most of the cases, the domain with www will not work with the Let's encrypt. It only works for the non-www domain.