No one likes slow page load. if your web page takes 4-5s to load you may lose client. Google's Case study show:

The negative effect on business metrics gets worse with time. The users may tolerate the slower page during first few visits but will then search increasingly less and even abandon the site.

The second point is that even after removing the delay and ending the experiment, things didn't just immediately get back to normal. There was an after-effect of the experiment. Some of the users left the site for good, they moved to the competition and didn't return. This is why improving performance is important and also why testing with artificial delays is tricky and not recommended for longer periods of time

here is how you can incress your page speed.
1. minimize page coponent.
2. use sprite.
3. optimazed images
4. do sceled images using html
5. avoid bad request
. 6. put css on the top.
7. putjvacript on footer
8.minify css
9.minify html
10. leveage browser cache
now check your page speed