View Full Version : What is the role of Google's Fred update?

10-16-2017, 07:02 AM
What is the role of Google's Fred update?

10-16-2017, 03:09 PM
“Fred” is just a humorous euphemism that Googler Gary Illyes made up on the spot when pressed for a name for an unconfirmed, hypothetical update that a small percentage of (mostly) aggressive Web marketers attributed to March 7, 2017 or thereabouts.
Googlers John Mueller and Gary Illyes did confirm that something probably changed on that date because it was a Tuesday and Google rolls out changes to its live search engine “on average” (according to Illyes) about 3 times a (week)day.

10-17-2017, 01:35 AM
Google's fred algorithm is mainly targeted to the websites with low-quality content and backlinks. With this update website ranking might get increase or decrease depending on the content and backlinks that your website is having. If the content and backlinks are strong enough, then you will see the positive effect. Identify the low-quality pages and make them strong by putting good content in it. Use a backlink spam tool or checker to find the spammy links. Also, if this update sees your content as invaluable, outdated then you may see some rankings drop.

10-17-2017, 01:53 AM
Fred was a significant algorithm update that seemed heavily focused on “low quality user engagement”. But it also seemed to turn up the dial on aggressive monetization. If you’ve been impacted by the 3/7 update, then you need to analyze your site objectively, weed out “low quality user engagement” problems, and implement changes quickly. Focused on quality and then digging into your site.