View Full Version : What is Custom 404 page?

11-22-2017, 11:49 PM
Hlo Friends,
What is Custom 404 page?

11-23-2017, 12:14 AM
- In tech-speak, 404 is the error number returned when a visitor attempts to access a page that doesn’t exist on your site.The solution? A custom 404 page.
- You can create a custom 404 page for your site. Once this page is in place, the disastrous default 404 page shown above will be banished, never to be seen again.

11-23-2017, 12:15 AM
I think its when a page isn't found. you usually see error 404 page not found

11-23-2017, 01:22 AM
The .htaccess record is the thing that Apache web servers use to enable you to tweak your web server setups at a registry level. Different sorts of web servers handle the customization of 404 blunder pages in an unexpected way. (A web server, in this unique situation, is the product that keeps running on your web host's PC.

11-23-2017, 04:03 AM
The HTTP 404, 404 Not Found and 404 (pronounced "four oh four") error message is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard response code, in computer network communications, to indicate that the client was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.

11-23-2017, 05:34 AM

A 404 page is what a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on your site (because they've clicked on a broken link, the page has been deleted, or they've mistyped a URL).


11-23-2017, 05:42 AM
Generally 404 error message used to generate when the URL you have entered is not valid or webpage which you are searching does not exist. When this situation occurs that time the error message has the defined structure which will say, the web page does not exit or 404 page not found. It really looks ugly if the visitors wants to become your customer.

So you used to create the separate web page for such error message. You will need to define the code in .htaccess file for such error. Once you will add the code in the file, the web page will display the message as you've defined in the .htaccess file. That is nothing but the custom 404 error page.

11-23-2017, 06:35 AM
The .htaccess file is what Apache web servers use to allow you to fine-tune your web server configurations at a directory level. Other types of web servers handle the customization of 404 error pages differently.

11-23-2017, 07:36 AM
A custom 404 page lets you provide a user-friendly website to your visitors even in the midst of an error. Very few users, when presented with a 404, will do more beyond click back to get out of the mistake. A custom 404 page is a good opportunity to keep them on your site and do more to redirect them to their destination.

11-24-2017, 12:25 AM
A 404 error is an HTTP status code that means that the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn't be found on their server. The 404 Not Found error might appear for several reasons even though no real issue exists, so sometimes a simple refresh will often load the page you were looking for. The most common method is to retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking the refresh/reload button, or trying the URL from the address bar again.

11-24-2017, 08:02 AM
I think just it takes the watchwords appropriate for the pursuit volume of clients on top google, this will get natural activity, to enhance transformation. trust you will get it.

11-24-2017, 08:50 AM
404 error: when you mistakenly typed in the wrong URL for a web page.
Custom 404 error:provide a user-friendly website to your visitors even in the midst of an error.

11-24-2017, 10:42 PM
We use custom 404 error page to redirect any webpage to our required webpage.