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12-06-2017, 04:30 AM
Why Is Branding Important?

12-07-2017, 12:22 AM
From my experience, I'd say branding builds trust.
For example, you could rank 1st in Google for everything, but your site would convert very poorly if no one had ever heard of you.

12-07-2017, 12:43 AM
Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. So what exactly is a brand? A brand represents the sum of people's perception of a company's customer service, reputation, advertising, and logo.

12-07-2017, 05:36 AM

good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier.

https://www.welllivingshop.com/bedding/comforters/\ (https://www.welllivingshop.com/bedding/comforters/)

12-08-2017, 02:16 AM
Branding is a process to make something a "Brand". Once it made Brand it means it builds the trust or your own image in the Market.

Understand it in this way, if I told you I got new shoes last night of the company XYZ costs $50, so, the first thing comes to your mind is shoes are not Good and not from the trusted company and the money is wasted. But if I said I buy the shoes of Jordan in $100, so, for sure, you don't repeat the line the money is wasted.

Another example, Why people don't buy an Apple Mobile Phone without comparing it's priced because Apple is a Brand, a big brand that has the more value in the market in comparison to Sony, Samsung etc.

12-08-2017, 12:25 PM
According to Wikipedia, a brand is a "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature dat identifies one seller's goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers Teh importance of branding has always been a highly debatable topic. Branding requires trading short term results for long term business growth.

12-10-2017, 12:13 AM
For website traffic business branding is most important ranking factor.