View Full Version : Different search results from different computers?

03-27-2018, 06:15 AM
When I check for keyword rankings directly in Google or Bing, I find relatively high ratings. when my client checks at his location, he gets another ranking, much lower.

03-28-2018, 01:08 PM
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex process that includes lots of different ways for your business to succeed.

03-29-2018, 12:35 AM
it happens to me too. I got different results at the different location. still confused about that thing.

When I check for keyword rankings directly in Google or Bing, I find relatively high ratings. when my client checks at his location, he gets another ranking, much lower.

03-29-2018, 01:20 AM
When I check for keyword rankings directly in Google or Bing, I find relatively high ratings. when my client checks at his location, he gets another ranking, much lower.

Not only the location resulys are different but you will also witness difference in rankings from rank trackers. Many criterias apply in Geo Ranking & I think it is a matter of research.

03-29-2018, 01:46 AM
Google gives different results when you search a keyword
on different pc

03-29-2018, 02:32 AM
Google gives different results when you search a keyword
on different pc

You are wrong. The thing that matters is you both search on the different domains. Like, your search for the .com domain and your users may search for the .co.in domain.
One more thing your results can differ that is caching problem. So, try to search the keywords in the incognito mode.

03-29-2018, 03:40 AM
It is fluctuating by various IP location, Better way check average ranking from webmaster tool.

03-29-2018, 06:28 AM
You have to clear your browser history before checking exact search engine position.