View Full Version : *Tips to find great Long-Tail Keywords*

04-02-2018, 12:48 AM
Here are the tried and tested tips to find long-tail keywords for your website:
1. Think how will you search if you were the user (Determine Searcher's Intent)
2. Use Google Keyword Planner
3. Look up to Google's Keyword Suggestions and LSI's you see on the bottom of the SERP
4. Make use of tools like BuzzSumo, Keywordtool.io, Answer the Public & such more

Do share your reviews in comments if you found this helpful.

04-02-2018, 01:08 AM
All of these 4 ways really works when you are looking for long tail keyword ideas. Forum needs more of such interactive posts. Keep sharing more! Good job :)

04-05-2018, 03:03 AM
LongTail pro is another paid tool, and it offers many features in addition to finding profitable long-tail keywords. They used to be desktop based solution & now everything is on cloud. They are popular among niche marketer & a good tool if you are looking for paid options.

gulshan rana
04-11-2018, 02:13 AM
Here are few handfull tips to find Long tail keywords.

1. Use Google Suggest

2. Use Google Related Searches

3. Use of Keyword Research Tools

4. Dig into Your Analytics

9. Steal From Competitors

04-11-2018, 03:46 AM
Yes, these are the helpful ways to find the long-term keywords as well as a medium too. Google Suggest and Google Keyword Planner are the best tools for the same.

04-11-2018, 04:23 AM
Use Long Tail Pro for finding the keywords.

04-11-2018, 05:35 AM
I use keyword shitter and long tail pro to find low competition and long tailed keywords.

04-11-2018, 05:42 AM
We use Google keyword planner for long & short tail keywords research.