View Full Version : What is the difference between soft 404 error and 404 error?

08-10-2018, 04:56 AM
What is the difference between soft 404 error and 404 error?

08-10-2018, 05:04 AM
404 errors are ‘Not Found‘ error message. It is the standard HTTP response code, indicating that communication was made with the server but the page could not be found.
Soft 404 Error means page not found and user will move to either home page or custom page.

08-10-2018, 05:07 AM
You didn't got definition on Google?

08-10-2018, 05:20 AM
404 Error means Search Engine bots detect that url is Not found.
Soft 404 Error means page not found and user will move to either home page or custom page

08-10-2018, 07:23 AM
404 error means Not Found and soft 404 means moving to a custom page or else homepage.

08-10-2018, 01:39 PM
We use 301 SEO redirect to fix 404 errors of the website.

08-10-2018, 11:56 PM
HTTP response code 404 from your server that indicates the page isn’t there.

A “soft” 404 error happens when the wrong code (often the 200 response code) is returned by your server when someone tries to access a page that no longer exists on your site.

08-10-2018, 11:59 PM
The 404-response code is the only one that carries a specific meaning – that the page is actually gone and probably isn’t coming back anytime soon.

A soft 404 error isn’t an official response code sent to a web browser. It’s just a label Google adds to a page within their index.

08-13-2018, 03:12 AM
A 404 error is an HTTP status code that means that the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn't be found on their server. The 404 Not Found error might appear for several reasons even though no real issue exists, so sometimes a simple refresh will often load the page you were looking for. The most common method is to retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking the refresh/reload button, or trying the URL from the address bar again.