View Full Version : How does AdWords bidding work?

11-29-2018, 01:10 AM
How does AdWords bidding work?

12-01-2018, 12:39 AM
The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position. ... The only exception of this rule is when you are the only bidder or the lowest bid in the AdWords auction; then you pay your maximum bid per click!

12-01-2018, 12:54 AM
The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position. ... The only exception of this rule is when you are the only bidder or the lowest bid in the AdWords auction; then you pay your maximum bid per click!

Thanks for the information looking for the same information

12-02-2018, 11:41 PM
- The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position.
- The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position. The only exception of this rule is when you are the only bidder or the lowest bid in the AdWords auction; then you pay your maximum bid per click.

12-03-2018, 12:57 AM
Google Adwords is a paid keyword promotion tool used to build your keyword popularity and also generate good traffic from them.

12-04-2018, 03:40 PM
Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Hanukah, Festivus; the list of sale opportunities doesn’t end at this point of the year. If you’re managing an eCommerce account right now, time management is fast becoming your most utilized skill.

12-04-2018, 11:42 PM
- According to Google themselves, the 3 main factors that the AdWords auction takes into consideration when determining where to place your ad are Your Bid, The Quality of Your Ads, and the expected impact of your ad. Your bid is the maximum amount of money you're willing to pay in order for your ad to show.
- The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position. ... The only exception of this rule is when you are the only bidder or the lowest bid in the AdWords auction; then you pay your maximum bid per click!

12-10-2018, 12:57 AM
The genuine position of your promotion is controlled by your advertisement rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The most astounding advertisement rank gets the first promotion position. ... The main special case of this standard is the point at which you are the main bidder or the most minimal offer in the AdWords sell off; at that point you pay your greatest offer per click!

12-11-2018, 10:08 AM
Google AdWords bidding vary from keyword to keyword.