View Full Version : How Many Characters Limits In Title Tag ?

12-13-2018, 01:45 AM
How Many Characters Limits In Title Tag ?

12-13-2018, 04:29 AM
What is the last character limit of Title tag do you know?

12-13-2018, 04:35 AM
Optimal length for title tag is 50-60 Characters. If you keep your titles under 60 characters, then you can expect about 90% of your titles to display properly.

12-13-2018, 04:45 AM
The character limit of a Title tag is 60 to 75character.

12-13-2018, 05:19 AM
Title tag length should be within 50-60 characters.

12-14-2018, 12:13 AM
Google typically displays the first 50–60 characters of a title tag. If you keep your titles under 60 characters, our research suggests that you can expect about 90% of your titles to display properly.

12-14-2018, 12:33 AM
I agree with this Title tags should be 55-65 which is readable and looks complete in the google search engine. For reference see my Title tags I generally use for my website Propertyadvisor (https://propertyadviser.in/)

MVM Infotech
12-14-2018, 12:34 AM
There are no hard and fast rules regarding the length of title and meta description tags. However, the recommended length of title is somewhere between 65 to 70 characters including spaces, because more than this likely to be truncated in the search results. So try to keep the title length to 65 characters including spaces for best possible rendering. You can go up to 70 characters in total, but try not to exceed this.

12-14-2018, 12:36 AM
Google has increased the length of mobile titles from about 55-60 characters to 78 characters. So now the titles on mobile search have 7-8 characters more than the desktop titles.

12-14-2018, 02:03 AM
Title tag can be max. of 60 characters, according to Google.

12-14-2018, 04:23 AM
A title can contain in between 55 to 70 characters.

12-19-2018, 05:17 AM
Characters Limits in title tags are 50-60 Characters. If you have your titles below 60 characters, then you can assume about 90% of your titles to display correctly.

12-19-2018, 05:47 AM
Titles: between 55 & 70 characters, including spaces

12-20-2018, 04:37 AM
Meta Title

Google typically displays the first 50–60 characters of a title tag. If you keep your titles under 60 characters, our research suggests that you can expect about 90% of your titles to display properly. There's no exact character limit, because characters can vary in width and Google's display titles max out (currently) at 600 pixels.

Meta Description - Optimal length

the length of meta description on Google has been shortened after the last update in December 2017, when the length reached limits up to 290 characters. Now, Google is coming back to previous limits. Best practice in 2018, is to keep it from 120 to 158 characters.

12-20-2018, 04:42 AM
Meta Title Length should be in between 60 -70 Characters.

12-20-2018, 05:17 AM
In pixel, 570 pixel is the limit of title tag. If you increase this limit then nothing to harm you but In SERP rest content not shown which in not good according to user points of view.

12-22-2018, 04:42 AM
Title tag: 50-60 characters

Meta description: 50- 320 characters