View Full Version : What are the Best Practices For Creating Titles in SEO?

12-19-2018, 11:35 PM
What are the Best Practices For Creating Titles in SEO?

MVM Infotech
12-19-2018, 11:40 PM
follow a few best practices.

Write unique titles for every page. ...
Pay attention to length. ...
Use your target keyword (but don't overdo it). ...
Be descriptive of what's on the page. ...
5. Make a (brief) case for what's on the page. ...

12-20-2018, 12:39 AM
Practices that can be done for creating titles in SEO:-
Do your research
Put keywords first
Apply the best format
Write for humans
Check your title length
Write unique titles
Make it attractive

12-20-2018, 12:46 AM
Watch your title length
Don't overdo SEO keywords
Give every page a unique title
Put important keywords first
Take advantage of your brand
Write for your customers

12-20-2018, 03:58 AM
Your header tags provide structure and context for your article. Each header should give the reader an idea of the information they can glean from the paragraph text that follows below.

A helpful way to think of header tags is by comparing them to a table of contents for a non-fiction book:

Your H1 introduces the topic your page is all about, just as a title tells a reader what a book is all about.
The H2s are akin to book chapters, describing the main topics you’ll cover in sections of the article.
Subsequent headers, H3s to H6s, serve as additional sub-headings within each section, just as a book chapter may be split up by multiple sub-topics.
Using this post as an example, the H1 is the title of the article. The H2s are the seven “chapters” of this article, all related to the main theme.