View Full Version : How to reduce the bounce rate?

05-20-2019, 05:57 AM
How to reduce the bounce rate?
I want to know about how to reduce the bounce rate can anyone explain me.

05-20-2019, 08:51 AM
Producing high-quality articles
Choosing your keywords
Grouping articles by themes
Sharing similar articles
Betting on a sober-looking front page
Publishing content on a regular basis
Using Google Analytics

05-21-2019, 02:04 AM
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. It can be reduced by:

Good content update
Internal links
Easy navigation
Quick loading of webpage

05-21-2019, 02:16 AM
1.Adjust the bounce rate of your website.
2.Reduce the bounce rate of the web pages in the Profit Index.
3.Stop targeting keywords/marketing channels which are sending low value traffic.
4.Create landing pages which satisfy visitor's query.

05-21-2019, 04:21 AM
Remove unwanted pop ups , increase loading time of your website

05-21-2019, 06:17 AM
Top 5 Ways to Decrease Bounce Rate

1. Website Page Speed
2. Write Awesome Content
3. Mobile Friendly & Good Design
4. Target Only Focus Keyword
5. Interlinking

05-21-2019, 06:20 AM
1. Improve Your Content’s Readability
2. Avoid Popups – Don’t Disrupt the UX
3. Create a Compelling Call-to-Action
4. Improve Your Brand Storytelling
5. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content
6. Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic
7. Attract the Right Visitors

05-22-2019, 04:31 AM
1. Improve Your Content’s Readability
2. Avoid Popups – Don’t Disrupt the UX
3. Create a Compelling Call-to-Action
4. Website Page Speed