View Full Version : How to write in Hindi fonts in Adobe Photoshop?

05-20-2019, 06:50 AM
How to write in Hindi fonts in Adobe Photoshop? When we put in hindi text from copy of google then does not appear in hindi else other codes in photoshop. But in Paint show hindi fonts why?

05-21-2019, 12:00 AM
Until you get a perfect solution,
Translate from English > Hindi on Google translate. Copy the translated text and paste it into a text box in Photoshop.
This will render it into basic Devanagari font.
You can download various Hindi fonts from google too.

05-21-2019, 02:00 AM
Photoshop is a software which uses windows font directory and you can use all the fonts which are available in that.

However there are two methods which are being followed to write Hindi -

Old & Localized Method- Take any locally developed font (e.g. Krutidev ) and paste it in Window’s Fonts Directory. Then you can use this font in all the third party software which access fonts from fonts directory at runtime. (Like MS Office)
But the printer may misprint some of the characters or may be while saving MATRAs go mismatched. You have to copy the original font file (because there are various version of Krutidev and they differ from each other) with photoshop file otherwise on few characters on porting the file to different system.

05-21-2019, 04:44 AM
I searched for the solution and found the following ones :

Download Hindi Font : This is tried and tested solution. Download hindi font from any of the fonts website and import it.I have mentioned a link below where you can get the Devanagari, Gurubani, Marathi, etc.

1. 50 Fantastic free Hindi fonts
The other solution is by switching the text engine to the respective language. The option to change the text engine language is :

1. Goto Preferences -> Type -> Text Engine Options and select the respective language from the language tab.