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05-28-2019, 06:27 AM

what is blog commenting?

05-28-2019, 06:46 AM
Blog commenting is defined as a relationship between blogs, bloggers and blog readers. It is a great way to exchange ideas, thoughts or opinions about what people feel for a particular topic or a blog post. Blog comments helps the blog to attract traffic and makes it social.

05-28-2019, 08:09 AM
Blog commenting is defined as a relationship between blogs, bloggers and blog readers. It is a great way to exchange ideas, thoughts or opinions about what people feel for a particular topic or a blog post. Blog comments helps the blog to attract traffic and makes it social.

05-28-2019, 11:57 PM
Blog commenting is a popular online marketing strategy of leaving thoughtful comments on a blog post, where an individual or a business should be able to gain online presence. Blog comments can establish an individual or a business as a thought leader in a particular industry, which may lead to new business opportunities and also a link building tactic, since the comment links back to the page that was submitted in the “Website” field.

nikki shah
05-29-2019, 12:08 AM
Blog commenting is defined as a relationship between blogs, bloggers and blog readers. It is a great way to exchange ideas, thoughts or opinions about what people feel for a particular topic or a blog post. Blog comments helps the blog to attract traffic and makes it social.

05-29-2019, 02:56 AM
Blog commenting is commenting our thoughts to relevant blog sites. It can generate back links to website as well as we can get more relevant referral traffic.

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05-29-2019, 03:10 AM
In blog commenting user comment on the blogs according to their views.

05-29-2019, 05:01 AM
Blog commenting is defined as a relationship between blogs, bloggers and blog readers. It is a great way to exchange ideas, thoughts or opinions about what people feel for a particular topic or a blog post. Blog comments help the blog to attract traffic and make it social. Blog commenting is very useful in SEO.

05-29-2019, 05:58 AM
Commenting on blog to interact with the author

05-29-2019, 06:07 AM
Sharing your view for a particular blog

05-29-2019, 06:50 AM
Blog commenting is defined as a relationship between blogs, bloggers and blog readers. It is a great way to exchange ideas, thoughts or opinions about what people feel for a particular topic or a blog post. Blog comments helps the blog to attract traffic and makes it social.