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06-07-2019, 03:31 AM

What is Google algorithm for SEO?

06-07-2019, 03:57 AM
Google has a very complex algorithm for serving search results, and it changes relatively frequently. And although the company does not make the exact algorithm public and few elements are below .
The results for certain keywords :
The keyword’s appearance in the page’s title, header tags, and meta description
The amount of naturally-occurring, organic links to the page
The way the website performs on mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets

06-07-2019, 04:20 AM
Google Algorithm for SEO is known as the process to make domains with a ranking order. This is because Google analyzes a site with more filters i.e. algorithms that impact the websites which were spammy. A site which follows the guidelines of the algorithm would rank higher in the search engine.

06-07-2019, 04:45 AM
Thin content. This doesn’t necessarily mean content with too few words. Need a demonstration? Type “is it Christmas?” in Google’s search bar and see what’s ranking first. The site checks the date and then just says Yes or No in your local language. I won’t encourage you to be laconic like a Spartan, though. When you create content, make sure it provides an explicit answer to the user’s search query.
Low-quality content. This means content that hurts you to even look at it, let alone read. Poorly formatted text with grammar errors, huge or otherwise distracting images, design that negatively affects a user’s experience – anything you suspect will rub users the wrong way, will. Their visit to your site should be enjoyable.
Unhelpful, untrustworthy content. The kind that doesn’t help the users who found it or causes outright harm. Google has no tolerance for incompetence and con artistry. Strive to be a positive force.
Duplicate text. It’s often referred to as “duplicate content”, but Panda really only frowns upon copied chunks of text. Images are fair game. Videos are fair game (except on YouTube). Text is where you should be careful. It’s OK to reuse small bits of text as quotes – if you properly mark them as quotes in context. Reusing text and passing it off as your original work, is a no-go. Do that on enough pages to hamper the quality of your site, and Panda will take action.
Article spinning. This refers to attempts to avoid issues with duplicate content by rewriting text from another site. Unfortunately for those who try it, good content also needs to be original, and spinning often lowers the content’s quality as well (especially if you automate the process with software).

06-07-2019, 06:33 AM
Google Checks the page.

06-10-2019, 05:55 AM
This algorithm update is the most likely to strike you. Google Panda evaluates websites based on the quality of their content. Pages with high-quality content are rewarded with higher ranking positions, and vice versa. It boils down to how good you are with on-page optimization.

salman gee
06-10-2019, 01:10 PM
The higher you rank, the more traffic and conversions you can hope to receive. However, Google only wants the most relevant websites returned when a user submits a search; websites that fulfil the needs of users based on the searches they have entered.

So if you’re struggling to get your website ranking at the top of Google for relevant searches, it could be time to evolve your approach.

What approach is needed?
In recent years, Google has made a series of algorithm amends, each designed to improve the relevancy of the results its users receive and each moving the goalposts for site owners keen to gain high visibility.

Whilst the Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird updates (amongst others) have been well-publicised within the SEO and wider digital industry, to some they remain a misunderstood or unknown entity. To help you plan your approach to SEO, we’ve put together a quick round-up of its big three updates since 2011 and their impact on ranking factors.

Launched in 2011, Panda was introduced to filter high-quality sites from platforms of lower-quality, in line with Google’s aim of providing users with only the most relevant search results. Panda examines the content that sits on a website, determines whether it is of a certain quality, and ranks it accordingly to its quality criteria.

Elements of a site that may be deemed ‘low quality’ include duplicate content, or content that has little value to users (i.e. pages that are too short, do not offer enough information). This algorithm was the first major step that Google took in more accurately returning valuable content to users and filtering out content of lesser quality.

Penguin was released in 2012; its aim is to examine the links used by and to a website (specially focusing on unnatural links – those that may have been purchased, linked to for linking sake; this is what Google considers ‘unethical’ practices).

Getting sites of good authority to link to your platform is great for improving your rankings, as Google will then consider your site as being a source of rich information, in which other reliable sites have put their trust. Buying links, or having a suspiciously high number of links point to your site from low quality sources, is not looked on too favourably and will probably result in restricted rankings.

nikki shah
06-11-2019, 12:44 AM
This algorithm update is the most likely to strike you. Google Panda evaluates websites based on the quality of their content. Pages with high-quality content are rewarded with higher ranking positions, and vice versa. It boils down to how good you are with on-page optimization.

06-11-2019, 01:09 AM
The Google algorithm partially uses keywords to determine page rankings. The best way to rank for specific keywords is by doing SEO.

06-11-2019, 01:17 AM
This algorithm update is the most likely to strike you. Google Panda evaluates websites based on the quality of their content. Pages with high-quality content are rewarded with higher ranking positions, and vice versa. It boils down to how good you are with on-page optimization.

06-11-2019, 01:27 AM
When google changes its algorithm then it also changes algorithm for SEO.

06-11-2019, 05:05 AM
Google algorithm is the formula Google uses to rank the resulting Web pages from a user's query.

Mithzi Rai
09-17-2019, 07:58 AM

What is Google algorithm for SEO?

Google algorithm partially uses keywords to determine page rankings. The best way to rank for specific keywords is by doing SEO.