View Full Version : What are the three elements of Event Tracking?

06-11-2019, 07:07 AM
What are the three elements of Event Tracking?

06-11-2019, 08:10 AM
Event Tracking helps you collect data about specific interactions users had with the content on your webpage/app.

06-12-2019, 04:47 AM
Action, Category and Label are the tree elements of event tracking

06-12-2019, 05:11 AM
What are the three elements of Event Tracking in Google Analytics.

MoulanaRafi. What are the three elements of Event Tracking in Google Analytics?
suhaina. Category. This is the generic name of the group of objects you want to track.
kanetailor. Action, Category and Label are the event tracking elements.
VITSUSA. I agree with kanetailor!

06-13-2019, 02:08 AM
suhaina. Category. This is the generic name of the group of objects you want to track. ...
kanetailor. Action, Category and Label are the event tracking elements.
VITSUSA. I agree with kanetailor!

06-13-2019, 02:28 AM
action, category and label

Mithzi Rai
06-19-2019, 06:14 AM
What are the three elements of Event Tracking?

Action,Category and label are three elements of event tracking