View Full Version : What idea do you generally apply for long-length content?

Sara James
07-23-2019, 01:21 AM
Longer length of content will allow you to insert more links, but at intervals & should keep in mind that keywords are inserted & not stuffed.

07-23-2019, 01:26 AM
Generally long length content uses more keywords which makes google to crawl that content easily.

07-23-2019, 05:09 AM
It used to be that you could post a short, 500-word article about a something (like say long blog posts) and your content stood a chance of appearing near the top of the search results.

Then came Google’s Panda update that took aim at “thin” content.

Suddenly SEO experts were telling clients not just to create better and longer content, but also to remove all content less than 300 words from their sites.

An easy way to fatten up your thin content is to make it longer. But should you?

Long content keeps interested readers on your site longer. When done well, it helps communicate that you are an expert on the subject. And long content gives you an opportunity to shape the world and educate. Even if your article doesn’t get a lot of immediate attention, it’s out there ready to educate when readers find it.Longer content gets more social engagement.

07-26-2019, 09:03 AM
According to Google ranking stats, the ideal length of the blog post is 1800-2000 words. But the frequency of posting matters as well. To attract more organic traffic, HubSpot recommends to post every day.

07-27-2019, 12:14 AM
Long length content allow you to put more keywords which will make easy for google bots to crawl your website blog.