View Full Version : What Is Great Content?

03-13-2020, 04:59 AM
1. Great Content Has Video
2. Great Content Answers Questions
3. Great Content Is Original
4. Great Content Is User-Generated
5. Great Content Is Intentional & Results-Focused
6. Great Content Has Strong Headlines

03-13-2020, 05:39 AM
Well, quite simply, great content is content that goes that extra mile - for example; basic content may get read, good content may great read and shared, but great content is content that will get read, shared and talked about.

03-13-2020, 07:32 AM
Hi Friends,
SEO content can include any of the following: Product Pages – These are the bread and butter of any retail e-commerce site. A good product page can serve as both SEO content and a PPC landing page. Blog Posts – A blog is one of the easiest ways to create a regular stream of effective SEO content.

03-13-2020, 07:46 AM
Hello Friends,

SEO content that shoots to the top of SERPs has a few things going for it, including this major feature: It's incredibly readable. When your audience clicks your link, every single element on the page makes them want to stay and read it. And, when they stay and read, that makes your page look great to Google.

03-13-2020, 09:00 AM
As marketers, “great content” isn't just defined by me or you is it? It's defined by the people the content is intended for – prospects, customers & influencers. It's defined by the people we're trying to attract, engage and influence.

03-14-2020, 09:56 PM
Content which is unique having low keyword density are treated as great.

03-16-2020, 05:45 AM
Thank you for sharing information. very simple and useful.

03-17-2020, 03:10 AM
A good content refers to an article that is uniquely written with the help of good grammar and information. A good content will help to rank your webpages higher in search engines.

03-17-2020, 05:25 AM
Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
Well, quite simply, great content is content that goes that extra mile - for example; basic content may get read, good content may great read and shared, but great content is content that will get read, shared and talked about

03-17-2020, 06:35 AM
Don't use exaggerations and superlatives. Have an intention in mind, and slowly develop a sort of list of assumptions, predispositions that you want your customer to have about your product. Your content should guide the reader from where they are, or what you imagine then to be, highlighting the sort of wants and desires you need the customer to feel with your product.

Check out some children's advertisements: It’s all about being someone (like famous, a hero etc), with the help of the advertised product, or service. With adults, it’s not all that much different:

Your content must describe a journey of discovery, it’s about what one deserves (a function, emotion, or a style of life), and your job with content marketing is to subtly and slowly explain that achieving what the customer wants can be done with your product. It is very personal, professional, but not passive kind of writing.

03-17-2020, 08:33 AM
@WoodsPainting Well Said.

03-18-2020, 09:17 AM
Well, quite simply, great content is content that goes that extra mile - for example; basic content may get read, good content may great read and shared, but great content is content that will get read, shared and talked about.