View Full Version : What are the doorway pages?

06-04-2020, 02:27 AM
What are the doorway pages?

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06-04-2020, 05:19 AM
Doorway pages. Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries. They are bad for users because they can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results, where each result ends up taking the user to essentially the same destination.

06-04-2020, 06:06 AM
Hi Friends,
Doorway pages are web pages that are created for the deliberate manipulation of search engine indexes. A doorway page will affect the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases while sending visitors to a different page.

06-04-2020, 09:32 AM
Doorway pages are web pages that are created for spamdexing. This is for spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending visitors to a different page.

06-05-2020, 07:13 AM
Doorway pages are simple HTML pages designed for particular keywords and phrases and programmed to be visible to only search engines and their bots. The purpose of these pages is to trick search engines and get higher rankings in the SERPs. Doorways typically are programmed with a fast meta refresh or a redirect that brings the user to the page that the Web site actually wants the user to visit, or the doorway will have a way for the user to manually click through to the next site.

06-08-2020, 06:34 AM
doorway pages. Doorways are sites or pages created to be prominent for specific search queries. They are bad for users because they can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results, where each result ends up taking the user to essentially the same destination.

06-08-2020, 07:35 AM
Doorway pages. Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries. They are bad for users because they can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results, where each result ends up taking the user to essentially the same destination.