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12-15-2020, 01:57 AM
What is AMP and how is it useful?

12-15-2020, 04:17 AM
AMP is an open source project designed to help web publishers create mobile-optimized content that loads instantly on all devices, according to Google.The main benefit of AMP is speed. If your website is currently super slow-loading for users on a 3G mobile connection then you will notice an instant improvement in load speed times through using AMP.

12-15-2020, 04:51 AM
AMP is an open source project designed to help web publishers create mobile-optimized content that loads instantly on all devices, according to Google.

12-15-2020, 07:26 AM
AMP is an open source project designed to help web publishers create mobile-optimized content that loads instantly on all devices, according to Google.

12-15-2020, 07:41 AM
AMP, formerly known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, are lightweight pages designed to give mobile users a lightning-fast, more engaging experience. It's “an open-source HTML framework that provides a straightforward way to create webpages that are fast, smooth-loading and prioritize the user experience above all else.”

12-15-2020, 07:48 AM
Simply put, AMP is fast. Unless your mobile site is already blazingly fast, the chances are good that AMP will improve your page speed. Aside from being important to the user experience, page speed is also an acknowledged ranking factor for Google.

12-21-2020, 01:12 AM
Google AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open-source project created by Google with the aim of facilitating a smoother browsing experience for mobile devices.
Speed is the main attraction of AMP. And it's why many publishers like Google, Facebook, Baidu, Pinterest, and Twitter have already adopted the technology. The improved speed adds engagement and lowers bounce rates almost across the board.

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