View Full Version : For optimization purposes, how should you use images on your site?

10-07-2011, 04:50 AM
Use the alt tag to accurately describe the each image, and include descriptive content around each image. At the very least, images should contain alt tags with one or two keywords describing that image, and you should try surrounding that image with relevant text. If the image is not used in context (i.e. it is not part of a content page or an article), you should add a couple of lines below the image describing it. In essence, what you would do if you were caring for people whose browsers disabled images and those who wanted some details about the images.

Merlin Noel
09-30-2023, 12:16 PM
Image deblurring (https://iscanner.com/back-to-focus-image-deblurring-is-now-for-documents-too/) is a critical image processing technique aimed at rectifying or reducing the blurriness and distortion that often plagues photographs and visual data. Blurring in images can occur due to various factors, such as camera shake, motion, or lens imperfections, and can significantly degrade image quality. The primary objective of image deblurring is to enhance the sharpness and clarity of an image, making it visually appealing and more informative. This process involves complex mathematical algorithms and techniques that attempt to reverse the blurring effects, essentially bringing back lost details and fine features. Image deblurring finds applications in diverse fields, including photography, medical imaging, surveillance, and astronomy. In photography, it helps salvage valuable images that may have been affected by unfavorable shooting conditions. In astronomy, it aids in improving the quality of astronomical images captured through telescopes. As technology advances, image deblurring continues to evolve, with sophisticated algorithms and software tools becoming increasingly accessible. This empowers photographers, scientists, and professionals to rescue and enhance images, ultimately contributing to better visual communication and analysis.

10-03-2023, 05:52 AM
Optimized images can perform really well. So while optimizing the website make sure you optimize images as well.