View Full Version : Your site map has more than 100 links to your pages, What is the best way to design?

10-07-2011, 04:52 AM
Create a hierarchy of links, and split up the site map into multiple pages. Because search engines are hesitant to give any specific guidelines on how to optimize our websites, any small detail becomes very important. As far as site maps are concerned, this is an issue where it pays to listen to the search engines, especially since with large content sites well-designed site maps are a sure bet that your site will be quickly indexed.

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines clearly state that you should limit your sitemaps to less than 100 links per page, and that it is better to use a hierarchy that signifies the site structure and the importance of these pages. It is good advice to follow, especially when a search engine says that “look, this helps us index your site better”.