View Full Version : What is sitemap?

03-22-2012, 08:35 AM
Define sitemap?

03-22-2012, 08:40 AM

I think you can get the definition easily on the web, but it is basically a list of pages within a website which the engines crawl upon. You could research online for more information.

Openxcell Inc
03-22-2012, 09:52 AM
I think Sitemap is a file which contains all urls of your website.Sitemap instruct web spider about you all pages and pages which they should be crawl and index in the search engine.

03-22-2012, 10:19 AM
A site map is an overview of the pages within a website.Site maps of smaller sites may include every page of the website, while site maps of larger sites often only include pages for major categories and subcategories of the website.

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03-22-2012, 10:27 AM
A helpful file for the crawler which helps to know about how many pages a site contain.

04-17-2012, 10:24 AM
A sitemap is the process of listing the URLs of a website that is called sitemap and mainly used to crawl easily indexed web page. You can create sitemap one of them
1) XML sitemap
2) ROR sitemap
3) XHTML sitemap

04-17-2012, 10:42 AM
sitemap is needed for a website , it's important

04-17-2012, 10:56 AM
site map is listing all url of website,tells about when last update of your site,which page url is important for crawler.

04-17-2012, 10:56 AM
If you are creating sitemap of a website for search engine benefits, then xml sitemap need to be considered, however, if you are planning to create sitemap for your website visitors and users, then html or graphical sitemap would be more beneficial to you.

Kevin Farrell
04-17-2012, 01:44 PM
Sitemap is the navigator of websites.

04-18-2012, 12:02 AM
A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

04-18-2012, 12:56 AM
A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

04-18-2012, 03:23 AM
sitemap is list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

04-18-2012, 04:47 AM
A site map is a visual or textually organized model of a Web site's content that allows the users to navigate through the site to find the information they are looking for, just as a traditional geographical map helps people find places they are looking for in the real world. A site map is a kind of interactive table of contents, in which each listed item links directly to its counterpart sections of the Web site.

Harry Mark
04-18-2012, 06:13 AM
A sitemap is nothing but list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.

04-21-2012, 01:43 AM
sitemap contain list of URL in XML file, when crawler visit your website first it goes to robots.txt and find then find URL from sitemap.xml file for page indexing.

04-21-2012, 02:34 AM
Site map is really important for both users and search engine crawler. It improves the readability of a site and increases the possibility of getting a top rank in the SERP. Site map helps the crawler to index your all web pages faster.

04-21-2012, 03:01 AM
Site map is a list of webpages of web site accessible to users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

04-21-2012, 07:29 AM
Sitemap work like a index of book. sitemap is a one type of index of your website. there are main aim create sitemap if give a direction of search engine to find page search related webpages immediately from our sites. through the sitemap search engine easily fine related search pages from our sites. so search engine indexing time can be decrease.

04-21-2012, 07:49 AM
A sitemap is a page detail the various webpages on a web page and how they web link to each other. This allows both guests discover webpages and Google to index a website.

04-21-2012, 08:12 AM
This is basic thing for your site to be crawler careful y with all URL exit in your web site

04-21-2012, 08:41 AM
I have made a website which I want to promote but I have not created a site map for my site. I don't know how to make site map so I am looking for any good suggestion for this.

04-21-2012, 09:46 AM
I think Sitemap is a file which contains all urls of your website.Sitemap instruct web spider about you all pages and pages which they should be crawl and index in the search engine.

04-29-2020, 07:18 AM
The ASP.net MVC sitemap provider is a solution aiming to provide your website with a fully functioning set of sitemap tools, such as breadcrumbs and node navigation. ... sitemap file so that it actually reflects the pages on your web site that are available to the user

04-29-2020, 08:15 AM
A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website’s content. Sitemaps also tell search engines which pages on your site are most important.

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04-30-2020, 12:30 AM
A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines like Google read this file to more intelligently crawl your site

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04-30-2020, 12:33 AM
There are actually a couple of different types of sitemaps, such as a visual one that you can create before building a website, but I am going to focus on the one that is most important for SEO.

This is known as an XML sitemap. It’s simply a list of the pages on your website.

A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organization of your site content. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.

04-30-2020, 08:29 AM
Like a map which shows a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.. A sitemap helps visitors and search engine bots easily find all your pages form a single location.

A site map could be of

HTML sitemap - helps visitors navigate your website easily
XML sitemap - helps bots find all your pages easily
While there is no limitation for a HTML site, XML sitemap file is limited to 50MB (uncompressed) with a maximum of 50,000 URLs. For that reason, if you have a very big website having 50K urls, you can nest the site maps.

There are many free XML sitemap generators there you can use to create a sitemap upto 500 urls.

04-30-2020, 09:23 AM
Sitemap is an XML file that is full of your individual webpage's URLs. It's like an archive of every webpage in your website. This file should be easily discoverable in your site in order for search engine crawlers to stumble upon it.

04-30-2020, 11:49 PM
A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website’s content. Sitemaps also tell search engines which pages on your site are most important.

05-02-2020, 01:06 PM
A website sitemap is basically a list of active webpages. It is in the form of XML, HTML, or text format.
XML sitemap is widely used as it can provide URL priority, frequency and update date .