View Full Version : Tips To Optimize Conversion Rates

04-18-2012, 02:32 AM
Hi Everyone,
While vendors are often obsessed with obtaining a good ranking in search engines, and monitor data about the views and rankings, the result of SEM (Search engine marketing tactics) is ultimately judged by the improvement in income. One of the fastest ways to improve ROI (Roi) of search campaigns to boost conversion rate of current traffic. A good 0.5 to a single percent conversion rate might have dramatic results in the overall health of your company.

Then, in this posts, we will have 5 ways to improve the rate of conversion of input pages and purchasing.

1. Relevance

2. Proposal

3. Confidence

4. Understanding user intent

5. Eliminate distractions

04-21-2012, 03:39 AM
great post on conversion rate, suppose i have one keywords that ranking on top position, what will be conversion ration for sales on that keywords.