View Full Version : The Yahoo Optimization matter

04-23-2012, 12:33 AM
The fame that Yahoo search engine may be getting at the current times could be for good reasons and this is something that we really could look into these days. Yahoo search engine could provide us with chances to make traffic and additional income for the site that we are managing at the current times. It will be a good thing to take note though that it is a different thing to be optimizing for the Yahoo search engines at the current period of time. What tip s can you give me when it comes to these things? Please help me.

04-23-2012, 01:44 AM
Back in the dawn of the Internet, Yahoo! was the most popular search engine. When Google arrived, its indisputably precise search results made it the preferred search engine. However, Google is not the only search engine and it is estimated that about 20-25% or searches are conducted on Yahoo! Another major player on the market is MSN, which means that SEO professionals cannot afford to optimize only for Google but need to take into account the specifics of the other two engines (Yahoo! and MSN) as well.

04-23-2012, 01:57 AM
According to a recent study, of all the searches done through search engines, around 25% of searches are done through Yahoo. It means, if your site is not coming up on Yahoo, you will lose 25 percent of your potential visitors. Before February 2004, Yahoo used Google results. So, Google optimizing was enough to get a top rank on Yahoo. As of 17th February 2004 , Yahoo dropped Google results and instead showed search results using Inktomi algorithm. Yahoo’s shift from Google to Inktomi made optimizing for Yahoo inevitable.Search engine optimization Keyword Density The new Yahoo search engine gives more importance to keyword density. A Website with high keyword density may fare well in Yahoo.