View Full Version : How To Manage Wholesale Revisions

04-27-2012, 06:44 AM
Hi Everybody,
Once you’ve identified problem areas, you can start to plan what resources you’ll need to make changes. There are lots of ways to manage the workflow for a wholesale upgrade of your product copy :

1. In-house staff :
Either full-timers or interns. This is the direct approach, and produces consistent results, but it can get expensive.

2. User-generated edits :
Think Wikipedia, where readers suggest edits to make the description better. This is clever and cheap, but you need a very large audience to get enough activity. Plus, moderation is necessary to keep the quality up.

3. Crowd sourcing. My personal favorite :
Revising large numbers of products is an ideal project for a team of remote workers, who can log-in on their own time and tackle them a few at a time. Crowd-sourcing tools are difficult to master, but once you nail down a process, you can plow through thousands of SKUs in a few weeks, with good quality results and no need for extra staff.