View Full Version : how we can make more friends in facebook...

05-17-2012, 07:46 AM
Suggest me what can i do because when me send more friend req then facebook is blocked ...

06-08-2012, 04:57 AM
By sending friends request, e can make more friends. Rather than this method, we can create many accounts in Facebook to make more friends.

06-08-2012, 07:02 AM
If you're only looking to increase the number of your friends then first see the profile & friend list of other person on Facebook. If they have more than 500 friends & profile is public then there are good chances that your friend request would be accepted.

06-08-2012, 07:17 AM
add grope and add new friend

06-08-2012, 10:21 PM
can i ask why you want to add random people? doing so, could result in alot of people saying they dont actually know you, and then your account being blocked, i remember reading somewhere that the average facebook user has between 150-200 friends, mine has some more, but i no alot of people, i wouldnt want just anybody reading all my info, and seeing my pictures, because i have pictures of my daughter, but thats just me, perhaps create two accounts, one personal where you add people you know, but why not create your facebook, and then create a facebook page, within this, and just invite people to join the group? this way it would matter who you add, etc etc?

Just a thought.

And yes, i no what ever i put on facebook i put on at my own risk, so ofcourse there is alot i keep of, but i only accept people i no also, and have all my privacy settings in place...

but anything you dont want people to see, simply dont share with the internet.

Good luck!! :)

06-09-2012, 01:46 AM
Creating Group is also nice way. i think you should tag photos with your maximum friends so your friend's friends can see that easily and you can be famous on their particular Network. According me this is a best way to be famous and get huge friends list in SEO.

06-11-2012, 01:51 AM
Hope this helps.