View Full Version : Adsense help

07-06-2012, 02:03 PM
When i apply adsense to articlesdownload.com (http://www.articlesdownload.com/) I got an adsense disapproval mail from google adsense. They mention 2 major problems

1 - Unacceptable site content

*You must provide accurate personal information with your application that
matches the information on your site.
*Your website must contain substantial, original content.
*Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies:
https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=48182 which
include Google's webmaster quality guidelines:

2 - Copyrighted Material

We've found that your website contains copyrighted
material. As stated in our program policies
AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on sites involved
in the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials.

How to i solve this