View Full Version : Get rid of from Google Penguin.

08-28-2012, 12:06 AM
Here are few tips to get rid of Google penguin updates.

1. Clean up spammy link grids and overuse of keyword phrases on your site. Make sure you aren’t over using head terms as anchor text links on your site.

2. Look at duplicate title tags and fix these issues.

3. Fix duplicate alt tags on photos. We find this all the time. It’s easy to use the head terms in alt tags instead of taking the time and creating a definitive alt tag for each photo.

4. Thicken your content. If you have thin content on your pages with overuse of head terms, then add good quality content to those pages and diversify the keywords on those pages. You want to have “authority” quality content on your site. If you over use keywords on a page, Google looks at this as keyword stuffing.

5. Get rid of duplicate content. Many sites use duplicate content for city and state landing pages. They only change the name of the city/state but all the other content remains the same. Take the time to make each of these pages unique.