View Full Version : Does Very Old Content Is Still Effective.?

03-05-2013, 04:39 AM
The content in my site's home page very old. I have not changed and it has been the same for past 2 years. I was ranking very well for one of the keyword. My site will be in 3rd position. But after the recent panda update, my site's ranking went back to 2nd page and now it is in 9th position. Every time i check its position changes.

Do i need to change my site's home page content because of the algorithm change. But my site does not have copied content. Help me in retaining my site's keyword to original position.

03-05-2013, 05:04 AM
There is no denying the fact that fresh unique content is very good in terms of SEO.
BTW, I use paidforumposting.com (http://paidforumposting.com/) content writing services and very happy. Their writers are professional.
They also know how to generate traffic to your sites.

sea queen
03-06-2013, 12:11 AM
You refresh your content but it should be better than before.

graphics art
03-06-2013, 02:05 AM
Its effective if its unique but its good if you refresh the content

03-06-2013, 02:48 AM
Put more valuable content into it. Google prefer fresh things.