View Full Version : Difference between bounce rate and exit rate

11-14-2013, 04:51 AM
Difference between bounce rate and exit rate

11-14-2013, 07:02 AM
Bounce Rate, specifically the Bounce Rate Metric in Google Analytics, is the percentage of single-page visits to total visits of a certain Dimension. For example, say you are looking at your Organic Traffic and sort by search engine. You follow the row across and see that Bing is delivering a 75% Bounce Rate. This means that 75% of the visitors coming from Bing to your website during the date range you have selected are visiting one page and leaving your site. Depending how your Google Analytics account is set up, this may include closing the browser, directly typing in a different site’s URL into their browser’s navigation bar, or clicking on a link to one of your social media sites or off-site blog. This third case is important to note, because unless Google Analytics has been set-up to track these off-site channels as part of the account, a visitor will be considered a Bounce even though they are still interacting with channels your brand controls.

11-17-2013, 11:39 PM
Bounce Rate is the percentage of people who landed on your site and left immediately. The sessions for these visitors would be one page sessions.

Exit rate is however assigned to each page on the amount of people who leave your website through that particular page.

11-18-2013, 02:40 AM
yes you are right Catrionaleo

12-09-2013, 08:30 AM
Bounce rate is the rate at which the people come to your site and go off without clicking any link at all. 60% bounce rate means - 60 people out 100 came to your website, puked and went off. Also, if there is any exit rate that means the visitor has not registered any bounce rate. exit page is the page from where you exit the website. An exit page may also be the landing page of that website. But here, he must have visited the other pages before coming back to the landing page and finally making an exit.

12-11-2013, 01:59 AM
Exit rate means visitor who exits might have visited other pages on your site, but just exited on that specific page.or other hand Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit your website on a given page and don’t visit any other pages on your site. i would think google looks to see if you continue your search, going back to the google search results and looking at more sites.I really doubt that bounce rate make a different on SERP..

12-16-2013, 03:23 AM
Bounce rate is the total number of visits viewing only one page of the site divided by total entries for that particular page.
For example if a web page A has 100 page views from outside the site and 100 page views from inside the site and 25 single page exits , and 100 total exits then the
Bounce rate is 25/100 = 25% and
Exit rate is 100/200 = 50 %

Rajdeep Bose
12-16-2013, 03:27 AM
Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit your website on a given page and don’t visit any other pages on your site. Visitor visit only your website first pate and after that he close your site.

Exit Rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site from a given page based on the number of visits to that page.

12-18-2013, 06:07 AM
Bounce Rate is the percentage of people who landed on your site and left immediately. The sessions for these visitors would be one page sessions.

Exit rate is however assigned to each page on the amount of people who leave your website through that particular page.

06-24-2015, 08:03 AM
Bounce Ratefor a page
1. Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors who exit your site from thelanding pageitself without navigating any further.

2. A “Bounce” is asingle-page visitto your website. Bounces are alwaysone page sessions.

For example, visitor lands on your homepage and leaves your site without visiting any other pages on your website – that’s a “Bounce”.

Exit Rate for a page
1. Exit Rate the percentage of visitors exiting or leaving your site from a particular page on your site.

2. Exit rate is calculated for every page separately because it is the property of an individual page independent of any other page on the site.

06-24-2015, 09:51 PM
Bounce rate is the percentage of the people who hit your website and left any page without visiting another pages of website while Exit rate is the percentage of the people who hit your website at any given page left after going through many pages of the website.