View Full Version : Why are social bookmarking sites so popular?

04-18-2014, 03:16 AM
Hello Friends ..

Why are social bookmarking sites so popular ...??

04-18-2014, 05:27 AM
It is because of their access with people around the world and also helps to share your views to many.

04-18-2014, 07:40 AM
Just because they provide that facility to users what they want. every want to make friends and these site are really a great platform for making new network easily.

04-18-2014, 08:02 AM
Hello Guys ..

Social bookmarking is a hugely effective link buildingstrategy that does not require much effort on yourpart. Its a simple concept: people share bybookmarking interesting content that they findonline. When you submit your content to these socialsharing sites, you are hoping to generate enoughbuzz to attract more traffic to your website.

04-19-2014, 02:24 AM
Thank you...

The best social bookmarking site is Delicious.

Like other social bookmarking sites this allows you to keep all your bookmarks in one place. You can search other popular bookmarks. You can add meta-tags to help you find things you've saved based on key words, etc.