View Full Version : What is the benefits of image tittle tag for the site ?

05-01-2014, 02:17 AM
Hi Friends !
What is the benefits of tittle image tittle tag for the website ?

05-01-2014, 02:29 AM
Optimizing images do not have any effect on the site speed. It will help your site to receive more traffic. A lot of people search for images in Google images and if your site has the required image and is properly optimized then there are chances that your site will rank more good in search results..............

05-02-2014, 05:39 AM
According to me Optimizing images do not have any effect on the site speed. It will help your site, to receive more traffic. A lot of people search for images in Google images, and if your site has the required image and is properly optimized then there are chances that your site will rank better in search results

05-02-2014, 06:00 AM
I suggest focusing on optimizing your site design and functionality from relying on search engine friendly images, and instead focus on optimizing your site to rely on images less and less for the search content...............

12-12-2020, 01:41 AM
Its purpose is to describe the image textually so that search engines and screen readers (software used by the visually impaired) can understand what the image is. title=“Red Outdoor Sweater” is the image title, which as the name implies, is the title of your image.

12-13-2020, 07:32 PM
Image Title is good for readers which help to understand the meaning of a pic easily.