View Full Version : Is there any connection between website Page rank and Bounce rate?

07-21-2014, 08:43 AM
If we reduce the percentage of website's bounce rate,it would help to improve the page rank or not?Is there any connection between website Page rank and Bounce rate?

07-22-2014, 03:58 AM
Maybe but only a little. You should know not every visitor has the idea of page rank, they are not seoers or webmasters, why should they care about the page rank?

07-28-2014, 03:12 AM
No, there is no connection between Page rank and bounce rate. Bounce rate is a term to express short term visitors of the website in percentage and Page rank is term which describe quality of website as well as webpages. Page rank is given by Google.

07-28-2014, 06:30 AM
pagerank and bounce rate rates your website from two different perspectives. the way in which a particular page is optimized for a potential user is highly related to bounce rate. if the landing page is not optimized or does not provide useful information bounce rate increases. On the flip side, page rank is kind of an overall value to a site which is determined by aspects like backlinks, number of referring domains etc. If you see that a website is having high bounce rate, you can guess that it might not have a good pagrank but it need not be same vice versa.