View Full Version : I got views in my webmaster but no clicks cud it be wrong?

07-28-2014, 07:21 AM
Hi I checked my bing webmaster and recieved 800 views for one keyword and 300 views for another keyword but zero clicks im trying to rank for mortgage and mortgages so far im ranking in italian bing on first page but not in us bing is there anything i can do? Shu I jus ad content and build more backlinks .

07-30-2014, 04:07 AM
is the views means impressions? If so, I think you may firstly change your site title and description to make them more attractive. And you should clearly know that if your rank is only 6-10 in the first page, people may also ignore you. So continue optimizing your website and make your title and description more attractive to increase the clicking opportunity