View Full Version : What is link popularity and why do you need it?

02-26-2015, 04:59 AM
What is link popularity and why do you need it?

02-26-2015, 05:05 AM
Link popularity or brand popularity all are for business purpose.

02-26-2015, 06:39 AM
To improve our ORM we have to do link popularity for our website & brand.

02-27-2015, 06:49 AM
Link popularity is the measure of inbound links to your web site. Your Web site's link popularity is calculated by counting the number of links coming into a particular page, and gauging the quality and relevance of the links. We need it because it is an important factor in determining your site's importance and it's a decisive factor in your web site's ranking in major search engines.

02-27-2015, 07:09 AM
Link popularity is something that increases the value of your own brand or website. Doesn't matter how many link you have from a popular website, just matter is the value of the pages from where you are having the links for your website.

02-27-2015, 07:43 AM
Link popularity is the measure of inbound links to your web site. Your Web site's link popularity is calculated by counting the number of links coming into a particular page, and gauging the quality and relevance of the links. This includes pages linking from within your site as well as from pages on other sites.

02-27-2015, 11:45 AM
Link popularity is essential for gain valuable back links to a website.