View Full Version : Html is a necessary part of seo

06-27-2015, 06:35 AM
In seo we create backlinks for particular website. It is not full seo but a strong part of it. Without creating
backlinks it is not easy to rank better even you have great quality content. Sometimes we have to create backlinks by doing some html coding in posts. They who don't know much about html can be deprived of some useful backlinks. Here are two most important html and bb tags which are used to create links in posts.
<a href="your url">your keyword</a>
your keyword (your url)
Html is a part of seo.

06-29-2015, 02:25 AM
HMTL is a computer language used for developing websites. It is used to build links and customize your website to help improve your website seo.

06-29-2015, 03:13 AM
HTML or Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

06-29-2015, 06:25 AM
Yes you are right. Anchor tag is the only HTML tag that mostly used in SEO. if you are doing link building for your website.

06-29-2015, 07:03 AM
html is very important for seo expert.

06-29-2015, 03:00 PM
yes, you can say html is the necessary part of seo.

06-30-2015, 02:27 AM
It seems your bbcode is broken! Here are the accurate codes:

HTML Format: <a href="your url">your targeted keyword also known as anchor text</a>

BBCode Format: [url="your url"]your targeted keyword also known as anchor text[forward slash (/)url]