View Full Version : What is Domain Name Space?

10-02-2015, 11:07 AM
Hello Friends,

Please tell me what is domain name space.

mani ge3e
10-02-2015, 02:00 PM
As you surf about the web from place to place you will have noticed that every site has a unique name in the address. That name.com part is referred to as the Domain Name. The rest of the stuff attached to it may complete the exact address of that page, but the first part if the only part that interests us here. Drop everything before the "name" part and everything after the.com part and you are left with the domain name.
The next step is to create on for your own use or your own website. So how do you come up with a good one and then how do you create it?
Before you start working on the name though, you should have some idea of what topic(s) your site will cover. Once you have that nailed down, coming up with a name is easier. Here's how to go about it.
First off, don't assume that you will actually be able to get your first choice in a domain name. There is a pool of names that are available for registration at any one time and the want you want might not be in that pool, but it's also a pretty big pool.
Let's say that you want to build a site about dogs. Specifically, perhaps you want to make a site about your own dogs and the good and not so good things about raising them from puppies. Make a list of names that might fit. Try and come up with at least ten, just to make sure that at least one will actually be available.
Now, names like dogs.com have long since been taken so you will need to come up with something a little longer. A good place to start is with the name of your dog, or one of them. You can also use dog related terms. Take the name "Fido" for instance. We can come up with...
Note that you don't have to use.com, either. If the name isn't available (I'll go into that in a minute) then you can try for a.net or.biz or.name or any of many others.
FidosKennel.com - maybe good for a breeder
That list can go and on and on. Have some fun with it. Ten names should be pretty easy to generate. Now, to actually create your domain name you have to go to a domain name registrar. GoDaddy.com is probably the biggest, or at least the most famous. They will have a space on their webpage where you can enter a name to see if it's available from that pool of names that I mentioned above. I plugged each of the above names into the GoDaddy search field and some were actually available! All had alternatives that were available.

10-02-2015, 05:36 PM
DNS namespace: DNS is the name service provided by the Internet for TCP/IP networks. DNS is broken up into domains, a logical organization of computers that exist in a larger network.

10-05-2015, 05:16 AM
Nice information.

10-05-2015, 06:47 AM
DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Server, and is the system used to translate word-based addresses of systems to the numerical IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer or system that should be located at that address.

10-06-2015, 03:22 AM
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities.