View Full Version : How Does Dynamic Content for a Specific URL Impact SEO?

10-15-2015, 02:48 AM
How Does Dynamic Content for a Specific URL Impact SEO?

10-21-2015, 02:12 AM
Dynamic content is generated for you at the time you request the page. The document you view exists only for you at that moment; if viewed by someone else at the same time, or by you at a slightly different time, you could get something different. Dynamic content is good for:

>> Pages whose content changes too quickly to easily republish it
>> Pages that display viewer-specific content (eg. user profiles)
>> Pages that display content conditionally (ie. member-only pages)


>> it is resource-intensive compared to static pages. That means the number of dynamic pages your server can display per second will generally be much less than the number of static pages. This can be especially important if you are swamped with traffic, or generating thousands of dynamic page views for robots or other automated agents that you don't really care about.

>> dynamic pages execute code on your server, and can read from and write to your database. If your website has any security problems, dynamic pages is where those problems will be exposed.

>> in many typical default webserving configurations, the index page of a website is presumed to be a static page (eg. "index.html"). That means there are some places where it is impractical or more difficult to use dynamic pages than others.

Albert Stone
10-21-2015, 02:20 AM
When it comes to SEO, one of the most important factors to be considered will be URL Structure. Remember, a SEO friendly URL should be always static (Unchangable URLs), as it needs to come with properly optimized keywords. If you are failed in maintaining this, it will definitely hurt your SEO rankings.