View Full Version : What is the function of body content relevance?

09-09-2016, 12:30 AM
What is the function of body content relevance?

09-09-2016, 12:46 AM
Body content relevance is used for the text that doesn’t consist of images on the web page of the web site.

09-09-2016, 08:05 AM
- Body content relevance is used for the text that doesn’t consist of images on the web page of the web site.

- It is also known as non-image text that provides the description and relates it to the title, description and keywords.

- The body content helps you having the higher ranking in the search engines and allows good optimization of the sites and pages.

- Body content allows the use of many statements and elements to be used to display it on the web front.

- Body content is used to have the relevance of using the tags that focuses on more on increasing the popularity.

09-09-2016, 08:29 AM
What is the function of body content relevance?

Body content importance is utilized for the content that doesn't comprise of pictures on the website page of the site.

- It is otherwise called non-picture message that gives the depiction and relates it to the title, portrayal and watchwords.

- Body substance is utilized to have the pertinence of utilizing the labels that spotlights on additional on expanding the fame.

- The body content helps you having the higher positioning in the web crawlers and permits great advancement of the locales and pages.

- Body content permits the utilization of numerous announcements and components to be utilized to show it on the web front.