View Full Version : What is the difference in caching between HTML5 and the old HTML?

01-09-2017, 03:01 AM
What is the difference in caching between HTML5 and the old HTML?

01-09-2017, 05:27 AM
An important feature of HTML5 is the Application Cache. It creates an offline version of a web application. and stores website files such as HTML files, CSS, images, and JavaScript, locally. It is a feature that speeds up site performance.

david hong
02-07-2017, 06:47 AM
An important feature of HTML5 is the Application Cache. It creates an offline version of a web application. and stores website files such as HTML files, CSS, images, and JavaScript, locally. It is a feature that speeds up site performance.

02-08-2017, 05:12 AM
HTML5 Application Cache (AppCache), Is it different from some or all of a website assets such as HTML files, images, CSS, JavaScript, etc

05-24-2019, 12:03 AM
The Cache on the application level is a great feature for the HTML5 where its not found in the old HTML that uses the traditional browser cache.
HTML5 has a most important feature which is Application Cache. It creates an offline version of a web application. and stores website files such as HTML files, CSS, images, and JavaScript, locally. It is a feature that speeds up site performance.