View Full Version : Which social network is best for SEO?

01-13-2017, 05:33 AM
Hello Friends,

Which social network is best for SEO?

01-13-2017, 06:59 AM
Facebook and twitter is best social networking for SEO.

01-13-2017, 07:31 AM
Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter are the best social network for SEO purpose.

01-13-2017, 07:35 AM
5 Things You Need to Know About Social Media & SEO

Quicksprout recently published an awesome new infographic on the state of SEO that illustrates how the field has evolved over the past few years in response to Google’s game-changing algorithm updates and the steady rise of content as king.

quicksprout infographic image 01 While looking over the infographic one thing in particular caught my eye: the importance that companies and agencies alike place on social media when thinking about their SEO strategy.

The infographic illustrates findings from Econsultancy’s State of Search Marketing Report 2013, in which 74% of companies and 82% of agencies surveyed said that social media is either somewhat or highly integrated into their SEO strategy.

agency resources social seo In a cruel twist of fate, just two months after Econsultancy collected the data for its report, Google’s Matt Cutts released a video saying that social signals––metrics such as Facebook likes and Twitter followers, which indicate a profile’s authority and influence––do not affect search rankings.

This statement threw marketers for a loop; they had been operating under the assumption (understandably so––more on that below) that social signals were factored into Google’s search algorithm as an indication of trustworthiness and quality.

For this article I decided to dive deeper into what Cutts’ statement meant for the relationship between social and SEO and learn how SEO-focused marketers are thinking about social media now that social signals are out of the picture, at least for now. Let’s start with some more background information on the dialogue around social and SEO over the past few years.
A Bit of History

As I mentioned above, Cutts’ statement that Google does not look at social signals when determining the rank of a webpage came as a big surprise to the online marketing industry. After all, in a video published in December 2010, Cutts himself said that social signals were a factor in ranking.

01-13-2017, 07:37 AM
google plus
These are the best social networks site.

01-13-2017, 09:09 AM
Google+, YouTube, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Printrest is a best Social network site..

01-13-2017, 01:58 PM
Google+ is the best social networking site for SEO promotion.

david hong
02-05-2017, 11:02 AM
google plus, facebook, twitter