View Full Version : What do you mean by Cloaking...?

06-01-2017, 02:39 AM
Hello friends,

What do you mean by Cloaking...?

06-01-2017, 02:45 AM
Clocking is the black hat seo technic, if you used this technic for keyword ranking, if google algorithm finds this technic definetly penalize your site.

06-01-2017, 02:50 AM
Cloaking is one of the Black Hat Techniques used to present content to the search engines which is different from the users.

06-01-2017, 05:25 AM
Cloaking - part of a SEO technique in which the content is provided differently to both Search engine spider and User's browser.

06-01-2017, 05:39 AM
Cloaking is a search engine optimization technique in which the content or information presented to the user is different from that presented to search engine crawlers (i.e. spiders or bots) for better indexing. In other words, cloak definition is, the web server is specially programmed to return different content to search engines than it returns to regular users, in an attempt to distort search engine rankings by making a cloak content. You might have understood now that cloaking is an illegal practice and is considered a Black hat SEO. The Search engine may permanently ban from our index any sites or site authors that engage in cloaking.

06-01-2017, 06:23 AM
A general meaning of cloaking is to present the different versions (or content) of the web page one for a user (who search query by certain keywords) and one for the Bots (like Googlebot).

The example given Matt Cutts for cloaking is if anyone searching a website with keywords Disney Cartoons but when the user clicks on the results (search results) he gets the website of Pornography, on this example website is same but content which presents for Bots it belongs to cartoons but content that user gets it belongs to pornography so here the concept of cloaking is used by website. when we talk about cloaking is just used on a single web page by inserting different versions of content.