View Full Version : Is Google AMP Still Helpful in SEO?

07-09-2017, 02:47 PM
Is Google AMP Still Helpful in SEO?

07-10-2017, 12:20 AM
Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) is helpful for SEO as most of the users are searching using smartphones and if your site is mobile-friendly, it is ultimately going to be good for you to generate traffic and leads.

07-10-2017, 02:12 AM
While AMP pages will enrich the mobile user experience, it can also be a huge benefit to your marketing and SEO. Below are the reasons:

1. The biggest reason AMP content will get an SEO boost is because these pages show up on the Google News carousel – which is given priority above-the-fold placement on mobile searches.

Therefore, being featured as an AMP page means more attention; you can be sure that as more and more companies sign up to publish their content, the more important it will be for you to be on the AMP network.

2. Loading time is a major factor in your SERP ranking; not to mention, your average mobile user won’t wait for more than six seconds for a page to load. Therefore, the faster your page, the higher you rank and the more your content gets seen.

It goes without saying that AMP pages will give articles a boost in results, and with Mobilegeddon still hanging over the head of marketers, the chances are that Google’s future updates will prioritize mobile-friendly media even more.

3. Bounce rate: Not only will speed have your readers staying on your page for longer, but it will also help reduce your bounce rate. While it may not be the most important SEO ranking factor, a low bounce rate helps validate to search engines that your pages offer what they say they say offer and that your audience finds them helpful.

07-10-2017, 03:26 AM
No, not yet. But make your website mobile responsible.

Sojan Babu
07-10-2017, 05:30 AM
AMP Advantage

1. Mobile website performance will increase
2. It's trending and one of Google ranking factor it will help for website ranking on SERP's

07-10-2017, 07:27 AM
Yes. Google AMP is effective and good for SEO because it will improve mobile ranking and mobile website performance as well.

07-11-2017, 02:04 AM
Yes Google AMP is still useful and helpful. AMP is a Google-backed project with the aim of speeding up the delivery of content through the use of stripped down code known as AMP HTML.