View Full Version : What is web cookie?

08-17-2017, 09:29 AM
What is web cookie?

08-17-2017, 10:12 AM
A cookie is a piece of information that is created and saved on the user's browser. These cookies are automatically organized in the computer system. When visiting sites that use a saved cookie, these cookies automatically send the user's information to its owner (the cookie creator).

08-18-2017, 12:26 AM
What is web cookie?

An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

08-18-2017, 04:01 AM
Web cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

09-22-2017, 03:10 AM
An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

Asmit Roy
09-22-2017, 03:15 AM
An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

09-22-2017, 03:51 AM
It is a software or program that save the small amount of information on the client site in the web browser.

You can read more here in the below link, in this post there is a comparison between cookie, session storage, and local storage

Difference Between Cookies, Local Storage & Session Storage (https://www.webdesigninghouse.com/blogs/difference-between-cookies-local-storage-session-storage)

09-22-2017, 06:22 AM
An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.

Sojan Babu
09-22-2017, 06:27 AM
A cookie (called an Internet or Web cookie) is the term given to describe a type of message that is given to a Web browser by a Web server. The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and possibly prepare customized Web pages or to save site login information for you.

09-22-2017, 06:45 AM
A cookie is a snippet of data that is made and saved money on the client's program. These treats are consequently sorted out in the PC framework. When going to destinations that utilization a spared treat, these treats naturally send the client's data to its proprietor (the treat maker).

09-23-2017, 07:21 AM
When you used to access the contents on internet on your local system in web browser (on internet) that time the browser saves the web contents in the browser's history. Those contents are nothing but the web cookie. It will include your website visiting or any other activity on internet.

The data which is sent from the web browser to user's browser is nothing but the cookie.

09-25-2017, 03:30 AM
A HTTP treat (likewise called web treat, Internet treat, program treat, or basically treat) is a little bit of information sent from a site and put away on the client's PC by the client's web program while the client is perusing.

09-25-2017, 03:53 AM
Web Cookie is the small of data that browsers use to recognize the user is same or not for better user experience and fast access. The cookie is stored on the client side and accebile from both side server side and client side.