The Moth Host
Valid from 1-May-21 Until 31-May-21
All Packages include
Type: Posts; User: The Moth Host; Keyword(s):
The Moth Host
Valid from 1-May-21 Until 31-May-21
All Packages include
The Moth Host
All Packages include
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
The Moth Host
Happy Valentine's Day :rose:
Valid from 7-Feb-21 Until 14-Feb-21
All Packages include
The Moth Host
Coupon for 50% off on all hosting prices: HALLOWEEN2020
Tiny Moth from $0.75/Month
500MB NVMe Storage
50GB Of Monthly Bandwidth
Unlimited Hosted Domains
The Moth Host
Coupon for 30% off on all annual hosting prices: MAYDAY2020
Tiny Moth from $0.75/Month
500MB NVMe Storage
50GB Of Monthly Bandwidth
Unlimited Hosted Domains
TheMothHost - starting from $0.53/month (with coupon code MAYDAY2020 for annual prices)
NVMe Storage
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Parked...
Thy had a data breach, not something good.
Purpose is to get affordable hosting.
Nobody would pay the whole server just to host a simple WP site.
You need to know who is your audience. Where you can reach to them and what time. Be sure you post quality content. Track and experiment with the results.
There is no "best" hosting. There is only hosting that suits your needs.
Some sites can run on shared hosting, some sites need dedi.
Some users need domains, ssl... depends what your project/site...
Depends what resources you need, and what will you host.
If it's just for testing purposes you can get low as $0.75/month.
Because they also provide paid hosting.
Also you need to understand that if your site will grow they will ask you to upgrade to paid hosting or move. It is free... but you have limits.