
Type: Posts; User: cliff; Keyword(s):

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  1. Seeking advice on using Caddy server as a load balancer for a large PHP app ?

    Hi everyone,

    I’m looking for some advice on using Caddy Server as a load balancer for a big PHP application. I’ve read about Caddy's automatic HTTPS and simplicity, which sound great, but I...
  2. Replies

    Hey everyone, Building a free website is...

    Hey everyone,

    Building a free website is definitely a viable option, especially when you're starting out or working with a tight budget. As many have mentioned, platforms like Wix, Weebly, and...
  3. Replies

    Yes, I agree, wordpress really is a very easy...

    Yes, I agree, wordpress really is a very easy gateway.

    There's a huge community, with thousands of tutorials available in every language. What's more, many hosting companies offer fully automated...
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