
Type: Posts; User: Geoffrey Robert; Keyword(s):

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  1. The most important thing in software development...

    The most important thing in software development is to find a good developer. There are a lot of programmers now, but there are few good ones. We needed to make a mobile app for our fitness club, and...
  2. It all depends on what you want. And in general,...

    It all depends on what you want. And in general, why would you want to make a store from scratch. Look through the ads, there are a lot of online stores for sale now. You can search and pick...
  3. Replies

    We needed to develop a mobile app for our...

    We needed to develop a mobile app for our business. We searched for a company by rating and by reviews. We were advised by SCAND, see here They made us a great mobile app within the stipulated time....
Results 1 to 3 of 4

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